Advanced wall Configuration

You can configure your wall by passing ina data attributes on your <wall> tag. The id and app-id attributes are required.

Assets per page
Show Pagination on Top
Show Pagination on Bottom
Thumbnail Height
Click For Preview
Show Name
Show Description


A unique identifiuer for this videowall (in case you have more than one on the page) The default value is "myWall"
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]'></wall>

Assets per page

Number of assets to display on each page of the video wall (max 100) The default value is "30"
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-perPage='30'></wall>

Show Pagination on Top

Toggle on / off the pagination on top of the video wall
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-topPagination='false'></wall>

Show Pagination on Bottom

Toggle on / off the pagination on the bottom of the video wall The default value is "true"
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-bottomPagination='true'></wall>

Thumbnail Height

The target height of the thumbnails displayed in the video wall. (this can vary slightly due to our positioning algorithm) The default value is "250"
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-thumbnailHeight='250'></wall>

Click For Preview

Set this attribute to false to prevent the videowall from opening a larger (lightbox) preview of the asset The default value is "true"
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-openLightbox='true'></wall>

Show Name

Display asset names in the videowall
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-includeName='false'></wall>

Show Description

Display asset descriptions in the videowall
Vanilla JS
React JS
<wall id='myWall' data-app-id='[YOUR_APP_UUID]' data-includeDescription='false'></wall>